We recently found out that the baby in my belly is a boy— boy number three! This news is met with all sorts of reactions, everything from congratulations to laughter to pity. And it often prompts the question… but do you/did you want to have a girl? Here’s my honest answer: I was excited about […]
How to protect our children from social media
It’s difficult to figure out where the line is in sharing our children with the social media world. Of course, some sharing is natural and good. Parents are proud of their children and those children can inspire and bring joy to other people. But when the sharing is not organic— when it happens on these exponential […]
A Mother’s Bias
I’m not doing this again. I’ve thought it quite a few times. I thought it through my pregnancy’s complications and annoyances. I thought it as they strapped me to the operating table and started vigorously pushing and pulling on my stomach. I thought it as I first stepped out of the hospital bed and felt […]
Baptized Baby
She turns her head to the stroller, He smells so good! What IS that? My husband and I look at each other like, Where do we begin? Holy oil? chrism? he got baptized today? But really what we want to say is Grace. You’re smelling grace. And grace doesn’t have much to say or do But […]
When Birth Is Imperfect
My first baby was born “naturally,” but just barely. I had done all the prep— “natural” OBGYN practice, deep breathing exercises, prenatal yoga/massage, three page birth plan. I had watched the enlightening and terrifying “The Business of Being Born” and I knew I didn’t want the big bad hospital corporations stealing my beautiful, instinctual motherhood experience. […]
What if You’re Not a Baby Person?
I was not naturally a “baby person.” I’ve never loved looking at Anne Geddes calendars— in fact I’d often rather look at pictures of cute animals. But I have a baby. And, obviously, I’m in love with him. In our culture we seem to have this idea that that in order to have a baby you […]