I’m just trying to survive. That’s always been my mantra during the first trimester of pregnancy which has always been fairly rough for me. This one has been particularly rough as I try to adequately feed, nurture, referee, and entertain two rambunctious toddler boys. I pretty much always feel like curling up in bed and sleeping […]
Why we still use a ticking clock
Our power recently went out and the digital clock on our microwave went out along with it. My husband usually resets it, but for some reason, this time he didn’t. So I found myself looking over at the blank screen, instinctively, throughout the day, and then I had to remind myself to look a few feet away at […]
Our Daily Bread
One morning she boiled molasses and sugar together until they made a thick syrup, and Pa brought in two pans of clean, white snow from outdoors. Laura and Mary each had a pan, and Pa and Ma showed them how to pour the dark syrup in little streams on to the snow. They made circles, […]
When Birth Is Imperfect
My first baby was born “naturally,” but just barely. I had done all the prep— “natural” OBGYN practice, deep breathing exercises, prenatal yoga/massage, three page birth plan. I had watched the enlightening and terrifying “The Business of Being Born” and I knew I didn’t want the big bad hospital corporations stealing my beautiful, instinctual motherhood experience. […]
But What If You Don’t Like Coconut Oil?
My dad and I used to eat Fudge Rounds after dinner. We’d eat the giant ones, heated for ten seconds in the microwave to ever so slightly melt the chocolate filling and soften the saturated cookie sandwich shell into chewy perfection. Now my occasional treat is some form of raw cacao and almond flour or coconut. It usually […]
Vaccines: No Easy Answers
My son is vaccinated. But that doesn’t mean I believe vaccines are completely safe. There is a lot of talk about this subject right now and it makes sense why, especially given the recent measles outbreaks. But what doesn’t make sense to me is the extreme polarization of both sides of the debate. The articles […]