1. You really don’t need to take a bath every day. No. You really don’t.
2. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re tired, sleep. When you want to play, play. It’s silly and useless to try to do them all at the wrong times because you just get frustrated.
3. Being embarrassed is dumb. It just is. Someone once changed your diaper. Actually many people did. And you weren’t embarrassed. And you had no reason to be. Imagine this- they actually thought it was cute. The only reason you ever started getting embarrassed was because everyone else started getting embarrassed. Things are only awkward if you make them be.
4. Conversations don’t need to make sense. Or be productive. Often the ones that aren’t are the very best ones. They may not leave you with issues resolved or decisions made, but they will give you the strength to solve those issues and make those decisions. They will give you energy and joy and a reason to live.
5. Being able to move is an amazing thing and ought not be taken for granted. Sometimes we need to crawl or scoot or roll or walk for no reason other than to delight in the ability to do so.
6. Life will be germy. You don’t really know where anything has been. All you can do is eat well and carry Purell and leave the rest up to God.
7. Fear is stupid. Once upon a time you didn’t have it. And you were so much happier.
8. Faces can always be interesting. So can hands. So can dirt. So can blank colored walls.
9. It’s okay to go through three or four or five outfits a day. Clothes were made to be worn and washing machines were made to wash. Stressing over dirty clothes does nobody any good. Take joy in picking out something else.
10. Being healthy matters. But being happy matters more. Don’t make health a god. In the end, it will always fail you. Put happiness first.
11. Cry. You probably need to.
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